Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 years~~~~~

From 12/11/2006 until 12/11/2008....Mostly all the time we spent together, we eat together, we study together, we sleep together, we happy together, we sad matter what happen in our life, we sure face and handle it together... We already done this for 2 years...... I know that in my life i really cant live without her, same to her too.....i pretty sure she will.....I m not the person very well in explain my feeling and all the expression..... Just feel very happy because we already together for 2 years.... 2 years maybe for some people consider short or normal...But for us, everyday we passed consider very important in our life..... I just want to say thanks my girl for everything and I LOVE YOU!!!!!! HAPPY 2 YEARS ANNIVESARY !!!!!!

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